Marketing and Sales
One size fits all - usually doesn't!
That's why sales, marketing, performance measures, consulting and assessment metrics are customized by Crystal Hospitality to specifically meet the needs of their clients. Hotels and resorts might look similar from the outside, but for those who know the day-to-day intricacies of spa services, tennis, restaurant, housekeeping and golf course operations, the way in which systems have been put in place and the way in which they're managed make appearances and effectiveness on the inside look very different. With a fresh eye and plenty of experience in a wide variety of hospitality venues, Crystal Hospitality is able to quickly assess and recommend ways in which programs and practices will be fine-tuned or completely revamped to achieve desired results – without breaking the bank.
Establishing service standards, incorporating a mystery shopping component to assure compliance, continued market research to attract new customers and benchmarking to enable trackability — this is the heart and soul of Crystal Hospitality's value to those clients in search of excellence in customer service. The days of comprehensive customer service training are over. Too many front line employees – and even managers -- are simply thrown to the wolves these days, with the assumption that their colleagues will prop them up during their time of learning on the job. Providing the services of a quality auditor, Crystal Hospitality will help determine the skill levels of key staff, assess product knowledge company-wide, make recommendations for training or re-training and measure service levels through the lens of the customers' experience. Objectivity is critical – and thanks to an open perspective and broad industry experience, Crystal Hospitality will deliver reports that clearly identify where services are lacking and opportunities are being missed. Quite simply, that translates to a better visitor experience and more chances to find new and secure repeat business.
© 2017 Crystal Hospitality Group
Crystal Hospitality Group
1704-B Llano Street, Suite 252
Santa Fe, NM 87505
(912) 660-6760